
Saturday, March 23, 2019

Dyslexia :: essays research papers

"Dyslexia"DYSLEXIAGeneral in melodic lineationImagine if my report was written like this Dyslexia is wehn yuor midn gets wodrs mixde pu. If you were dyslexic, thats how you allegeiness read my report. The word dyslexia is derived from the Greek "dys" (meaning slimy or inadequate) and "lexis" (word or linguistic communication).Dyslexia is a learning disability characterized by problems in expressive or receptive, viva or written terminology. It is characterized by extreme difficulty learning and think letters, written or spoken words, and individual letter sounds. Extremely poor spelling and illegible handwriting are common symptoms. Problems may bug out in reading, spelling, writing, speaking, or listening. Dyslexia is not a disease, therefore it doesnt have a cure. Dyslexia describes a different kind of mind, often gifted and productive, that learns differently. During my extensive query of this topic, I have become very interested and sympathetic f or great deal who have it.Dyslexia is not the result of low intelligence. The problem is not behavioral, psychological, motivational, or social. It is not a problem of vision people with dyslexia do not "see backward." Dyslexia results from the differences in the structure and function of the brain. People with dyslexia are unmatched each having individual strengths and weaknesses. M all dyslexics are creative and have fantastic talent in areas such as art, athletics, architecture, graphics, electronics, mechanics, drama, music, or engineering. Dyslexics often point special talent in areas that require visual, spatial, and motor skills.Their problems in language processing distinguish them as a group. This means that the dyslexic has problems translating language to thought (as listening or reading) or thought to language (as in writing or speaking). Dyslexics sometimes reverse letters and words (b for d, truism for was). In speech, some dyslexics reverse meanings (hot for cold, front seat for back seat) or word sounds (merove for remove).Here is a test to see if you have any signs of dyslexia. Few dyslexics show all the signs of the disorder. Here are some of the almost common signs* Lack of awareness of sounds in words, sound order, rhymes, or chronological sequence syllables* difficultness decoding words - single word identification* Difficulty encoding words - spelling* Poor sequencing of numbers, of letters in words, when read or written,e.g. b-d sing - sign left - felt soiled - full-blooded 12-21* Problems with reading comprehension* Difficulty expressing thought in written form * Delayed spoken language * Imprecise or incomplete commentary of language that is heard * Difficulty in expressing thoughts orally * Confusion intimately directions in space or time (right and left, up and down,

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