
Sunday, March 17, 2019

National Security: At What Price Essay -- Argumentative Persuasive Ess

National Security At What Pricenever has teaching played a more important role in society than it does today. The advent of the Internet has made the distribution and collection of information easier and faster than ever before. Today, the Internet is used for communications, shopping, management, and even financial transactions. patronage the slowing economy, recent years have seen a large plus in Internet usage by corporations, and research indicates that this trend leave alone likely continue. Figures gathered by eMarketeer indicate that Internet based commercialism will reach as high as $2.4 trillion by 2004 (B2B). With easy access to information from anywhere on the globe, safeguards must be taken to protect sensitive data from f whollying into the wrong hands. These measures accommodate passwords, protected networks, and secure connections. mend much has been accomplished in the theater of operations of network security, data encryption remains the most fundame ntal grade of protection.The goal of data encryption (or cryptography) is to render information unreadable to all except an authorized user (one who knows the password, too called the key). While there argon many encryption algorithms and techniques, most involve the use of a clubby key which is the mathematical value that decodes the information. Without the key, a hacker has a get hold of one in several trillion to correctly decode the information, qualification encryption a very effective method of data protection.While encryption fills a critical role in personal and bodied security, the engineering can also be used by fell and terrorist organizations. The same systems that protect your credit card number online can also be used to organize covert operations in safety.... ... pumped(p) News. March 31, 2002 <http//www.wired.com/ tidings/print/0,1294,46816,00.html.McCullagh, Declan. Senator Backs Off Backdoors. October 17, 2001. Wired News. March 31, 2002 <http//www .wired.com/news/print/0,1294,47635,00.html.Quotations. n.d. FreedomWriter.com. March 31, 2002 <http//www.freedomwriter.com/quotes.htm.Schwartz, John. Disputes on Electronic Message Encryption lock On New Urgency. September 25, 2001. The New York Times Company. February 28, 2002 <http//www.nytimes.com/2001/09/25/technology/25CODE.html?pagewanted=print.U.S. Encryption Policy. February 28, 2002. Center for Democracy and Technology. February 28, 2002 <http//www.cdt.org/crypto/admin/.U.S. Policy on Encryption Should cherish Our Right to Privacy. n.d. Americans for Computer Privacy. February 28, 2002 <http//www.computerprivacy.org/about/.

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