
Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Rebel Without a Cause Essay

In the late hours of the night Jim Stark, the main caseful of Nicholas Rays, Rebel With forbidden a Cause, can be found resting his leave against a piece of crumpled wrapping paper, lying on the snappy pavement, drone pipe out all his troubles with the sound of a toy putter arounds clamour. Throughout the entirety of the film Jim constantly attends to be droning out his problems, whether it be with a toy monkey of with a un human raceageable facade, which subconsciously distracts him from his neat issues.Jim Starks defiant disposition is grow at his angst and eagerness in which he holds within himself. The only mode in which he feels he can accurately expose his emotions is with insubordination. In the beginning of the film when Jim shouts to his arguing parents in despair, Youre violent me apart You say one thing, he says another, and e verybody changes back again, he is unleashing the reinforced up confusion that is festering inside of him. Being that Jim is a approx imately complicated teenager his thoughts often seem to be consumed with questions.Jim questions his masculinity, his choices, the meaning of his life story and his purpose. This confusion within him leads him to become desperate for answers and since his parents do not seem to offer him a solution he rebels in do to happen upon one on his own. Jim chooses to rebel in various different manners. The closely dramatic forms of rebellion involve his parents and his peers, Judy, Plato, Buzz and Buzzs gang. With his parents Jim questions their roles, specifically his set outs feminine mannerisms.Being that Jims mother seems to play a to a greater extent masculine role while Jims father plays a much feminine role, Jim becomes confused and attempts to correct this problem through rebellion. A clear depiction of this is when Jim encounters his father in a frilly yellow apron cleaning up a tray of spilled food. At the sight of this Jim becomes infuriated with his father and tells him to suffer up and be a man. This scene is later repeat later in the film when Jim returns home after the death of Buzz. later asking his father for guidance as to whether of not he should go to the police Jims father is unable to offer him a true(a) answer and resorts to everything that Jims mother has to say. This leads Jims mother to contemplate move again and Jim responds by saying, Dad, stand up for me. At this point Jim is a lot begging his father to be more of a man and to stand up for him against his mother. Jims father does not respond, propelling Jim to yank him up shouting, Stand up. This scene is a clear representation of Jims rebellion against his father.Jim feels as if he is lacking a fatherly figure and pass on resort to being violent towards his father in order to man him up. Another moment in which Jims rebellion shines through is in the deadly chicken game with his rival Buzz. Wearing a sparkly red jacket, to represent his destructive nature, over his prist ine white shirt, that represents his true purity, Jim heads out the cliff where him and Buzz will drive stolen cars close to the peeing and jump out beforehand, the winner being the one who jumps out last.Buzz, who sports a yellow shirt representing his true cowardly ways, seems to push Jim into doing this strange activity. When Jim asks, why do we do this? Buzz says You got to do something. In this moment it becomes self-evident that Jim feels that by rebelling through the participation in this chicken game, he is develop some sort of meaning to his life. This game will create a name for himself amongst his peers and this influences him to participate. Because Jim is vulnerable and wants to fit in he gives in.His rebellious nature in this scene is derived from the need to fit in, which all teenagers go through. a good deal adolescents will attempt to prove themselves to their friends by doing something risky in order to be one with the crowd. Even though Jim knows that this i s wrong, he is rebelling against his uncertainties and the unanswered questions he has within him because he views rebellion as the only viable answer. His beat out emotions and his desire to fit in create a wicked mutineer out of him.Film critic Leo Goldsmith from Reverse Shot says in reference to the film, Under Rays dissecting eye, the suburban home itself becomes a battleground where parent and child must scream over individually other to be heard. The beginnings of all of Jims problems seem to rest on the warzone in which he is living at home. This angst, resentment and anger that he feels towards his father translate throughout everything his does in his life and lead him to rebel. Because plainspoken is unable to fulfill his role of guiding Jim, Jim feels that he must bechance his way on his own, making his a rebel with a very good cause.

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