
Wednesday, September 11, 2019

War on Terrorism and Civil Liberties of US Citizens Essay

War on Terrorism and Civil Liberties of US Citizens - Essay Example Issues touching on the security of United States would always influence the lifestyle of the American people. The constitution of America entrenches human liberty that the American people ought to enjoy. Terror attack does not provide an opportunity for the Americans to enjoy the civil liberty, but create an environment that promote crime. The question on how to balance national security during wartime and human liberty is nagging. Former United States president was quoted saying that he believed in upholding the constitution and the laws of United States of America. He went a head to remind the public that United States was facing attack from good for nothing terrorist who wanted United States to crumple. It is an intricate issue since it involves the government machineries in establishing the cause and possible attacks that the United States of America may be facing. The government decision to handle matters of national security would not go without criticism, but the essence of wa r on terrorism would remain as a pressing issue to the Americans. This paper explores war on terrorism and civil liberties. The paper seeks to link the Oklahoma and 9/11 bombing to security threats in United States. Terrorism refers to a deliberate act of which instill terror or fear among the community in a bid to coerce the community to act in a designated manner. The intention behind terrorism attack is to coerce the government or the society to enact or adopt certain policies in the society. Largely terrorism activities in United States have had devastating effects to innocent citizens. Some people lost their relatives, property, psychological effects among others. Tracing terrorism activities in United States would lead to along list of events that the government security agencies have thwarted before affecting the society and events that have penetrated to affect the community. Research on terrorism indicates that planned terrorism attacks in United States of America involve g angs and people who seem to criticize the government (Kazin 82). Sometimes standoff between the security agents and the groups in the society would culminate into ugly incidences of terror. Report from the Federal Security agency indicates that Davidian cult was responsible for the 19th April 1993 explosion in Oklahoma claiming about 75 followers of the cult among other people. Many US citizens blamed the security agents for failing to protect the society against the explosion. The Davidian cult existed with a full knowledge of the federal security team. The standoff between the Davidian Cult members in Waco compound and the FBI was seen a failure of the security agents to stump out criminal gangs by some people. The anger felt by some people over the Waco building explosion led to the Oklahoma Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building bombing. Timothy McVeigh believed that the FBI was able to contain normalcy before the explosion (Cassel 44). He decided to make a plot that led to the bombi ng of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal building. McVeigh avenged the death of children and people who died in the Waco building by instigating a bomb attack which claimed more 168 lives. The mission of McVeigh was to let the responsible persons pay for their evils in the society. He believed that the FBI had been the chief reason behind the explosion. He conspired with Nichols and Michael Fortier to bomb the Murrah Building. The revenge mission of McVeigh drew criticism to the US government and the security system that the country embraced.

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